The Intricacies of Witches Balls: Exploring Their Construction and Design Elements

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Witches balls, also known as spirit balls or fairy balls, have a long history of being used for various purposes. These decorative glass objects have been used by different cultures for hundreds of years, but their exact origins are unclear. **People use witches balls for a variety of reasons, ranging from warding off evil spirits to attracting good luck and fortune**. In many folk traditions, witches balls are believed to have protective powers. They are often hung in windows or doorways to act as a barrier against negative energies or malevolent spirits. The belief is that these spirits will be attracted to the mesmerizing colors and patterns inside the ball and become trapped, preventing them from entering the home or causing harm.

15. ‘People Who Still Believe in Witches: Tales they Tell at the Folk-lore Society’, Hull Daily Mail (2 July 1936).

Bottles, shears, and candles are just some of the domestic items that have been creatively and boundlessly re-appropriated for magical means it is clear from this brief analysis of witch balls that their meaning is very much in the eye of the beholder. Historically in cultures that accepted magic and magical practitioners, witch balls were made, and then blessed or enchanted by the local witch or medicine woman before being placed in the window of ones abode to forestall any negative energies or spirits that could cause ill will or sickness.

Why do people use witches balls

The belief is that these spirits will be attracted to the mesmerizing colors and patterns inside the ball and become trapped, preventing them from entering the home or causing harm. Witches balls are also used as a form of divination. Some people believe that by gazing into the glass ball, they can gain insights into their future or communicate with the spiritual realm.

What is a Witch Ball?

The most common question we are asked is “What is the difference between a “Kugel” (Friendship Ball) and an Art Glass Witch Ball. A kugel does not have inner strands, and are often made with full color coverage. A witch’s ball or witch ball is usually made with stands or glass webbing inside. Color coverage is often limited, and / or transparent colors are used to allow one to see the strands inside.

Historically in cultures that accepted magic and magical practitioners, witch balls were made, and then blessed or enchanted by the local witch or medicine woman before being placed in the window of ones abode to forestall any negative energies or spirits that could cause ill will or sickness. In cultures that were fearful of the arcane, they were said to repel all of the above, along with witches spells and curses. The colors of the ball were said to attract any malevolent spirits. They are sometimes not that smart, so once entranced, the spirit would lean in just a hair too close and get ensnared within the strands encapsulated inside. Once encased inside of the ball, it was deemed harmless and the spirit would be dissipated by the morning sun. Today, they carry a much lighter meaning, normally used as a charm for the home. They have been said to be beneficial in repelling the following (But not limited to):

*Invisible Stink Bugs

*Tap Dancing Spiders

For us, a witch ball, at first, is born in concept; a thought, feeling or environment we want to be able to artistically capture. Once we have found the perfect color combination and design to convey the concept, we go to work in front of the glass kiln. 2,000 degrees of hot, molten glass awaits, to be formed into the next beautiful piece of art glass. Pulling the glass onto the tip of the glass blowers pipe, the artist then works granulate color into the surface, creating unique patterns, and swirls of color on the hot, bubbled surface. The glass blob is mouth blown, while being further manipulated with the influences of fire, gravity, and the hand of man. Even though we work toward a certain design idea or concept, the forces of nature ultimately determine the unique outcome of each piece. After sizing the ball we add the pad and loop, so one can hang the finished witch ball.

The finished piece is something exclusive, a piece that only our art glass can provide. Once in your hand, you can see and feel the presence of something special, something of substance. Because of the amount of glass needed to provide the effect of a witch ball, it does have some weight to it. There may even be bubbles in the glass, air from the artist’s lungs, forever encapsulated. Your hand can feel each piece of melted, granulate color. As you are hypnotized by the outer workings, your eyes refocus to see the strands inside; the hidden gems. Each strand is hued with hints of the outer colors, each separate, but woven together, working in artistic harmony.

Our art glass designs are exclusive to our company. Even though we make hundreds of designs, each ball is literally unique, given the handmade process. So, you hold in your hand, a truly one of a kind piece, available only from us.

6. Western Daily Press (16 August 1924).
Why do people use witches balls

In addition to their protective and divinatory properties, witches balls are also used for decorative purposes. Many people simply find them aesthetically pleasing and enjoy the play of light and color they create in their homes or gardens. They can be found in various sizes, shapes, and colors, allowing individuals to find one that resonates with their personal style and taste. **Overall, the use of witches balls is deeply rooted in supernatural beliefs, rituals, and traditions, providing a sense of protection, connection to the spiritual world, and beauty to those who use them**..

Reviews for "Witches Balls: Are They Just Glass or Something More?"

1. Emma - 2 stars
I was really disappointed by "Why do people use witches balls". I expected a thought-provoking and insightful exploration of the cultural significance behind the use of witches balls. However, the book barely scratched the surface and failed to provide any real depth or analysis. It read more like a list of random facts, lacking any cohesive narrative or clear structure. I was left wanting more and ended up feeling unsatisfied with my reading experience.
2. John - 1 star
I found "Why do people use witches balls" to be a complete waste of time. The writing style was dry and unimaginative, making it difficult to engage with the content. Moreover, the book seemed to rely too heavily on conjectures and assumptions rather than presenting well-researched information. Many of the claims made were not backed up with evidence, leaving me questioning the author's credibility. Overall, I would not recommend this book to anyone interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding of witches balls.
3. Sarah - 2 stars
I had high hopes for "Why do people use witches balls" as I've always been intrigued by their history and symbolism. Unfortunately, this book fell short of my expectations. The author seemed more focused on sharing personal anecdotes rather than delving into the topic in a scholarly manner. The lack of references and citations also raised doubts about the accuracy of the information provided. While there were some interesting points scattered throughout the book, they were overshadowed by the overall lack of substance and coherence.

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